Customers are billed by partners for services rendered.
Last updated
Customers are billed by partners for services rendered.
Last updated
While the Octoo platform, itself, is free for customers to use, customers are responsible for paying their partners for the services rendered. Payment can be made by check or credit card. A customer must have a default billing contact that will be associated with all invoices.
An expense code is a way for customers to tag, group, or track requests and invoices.
An expense code is a customer-specific identifier assigned to a request and then invoice. It can represent any concept the customer wishes to track; common expense codes are "purchase order" or "cost center" or "authorization code".
Once an expense code has been added to an request or service it will be automatically transferred to the related proforma or invoice during the billing process.
By default, new customers will not have any expense codes defined.
The ability to add/remove an expense code label for a customer is permission-based; if you do not see these options speak to your account lead about having permissions updated.
Customers can define an expense code label (e.g., "purchase order") by going to Settings -> General -> Expense Codes
When a customer account is managed by the partner directly, a partner can modify a customer's expense code by navigating to the customer's profile and browsing the settings page.
Expense codes can be added to requests in the Details
section. A request can have more than one expense code.
Most customers apply expense codes at the request-level; however, you can also add a separate expense code for every service in a request by selecting Edit expense code
from the contextual menu next to the service details. You can see the code appended to the end of the service line or if you expand the service details using the [i]
If the customer wishes to have the same code(s) applied to every new request, they can set up this feature in their customer settings in the billing section:
An expense code attached to a request will transfer to its related invoice. By default, each invoice will be grouped by the specific code so that all billed services for the code appear on the same invoice together.
For example, if the customer was billed for all services rendered in November, those requests with the "ABC123" authorization code code would be grouped on a single invoice. This can result in one customer receiving multiple invoices for the same period based on the codes provided.
Thought less common, customers can apply the expense code to each proforma invoice (rather than grouping by AR invoice). When this is enabled each line item on the AR invoice will reflect a different expense code from the related proforma. This is useful when you are tracking something like a "Request #" that must be present on every date or service.
Customers may choose to require that an expense code be present before a request can be submitted. This ensures that the correct billing information is always attached to the related proformas or invoices. Please speak with your partner about enabling this requirement on your customer account.