
Partners have access to a global search for items related to their partner account.

The search bar visible at the top of a partner account allows a user to search for people, providers, customers by name or email address. Search by reference code (e.g., RQABC123) is also supported and will take you directly to the item requested. You can also use more refined searches for transactions, expense codes, and notes.

Reference code

Either type of copy paste the reference code in the search box. This search is not case sensitive so you can do either rqabc123 or RQABC123 and the result would be the same.

Name or email address

Begin typing the name you wish to search for in the search box. After a pause in typing, the top ten results will be returned. Continue typing more of the name to narrow down the search.

Transaction reference number

If you are looking for a specific invoice transaction by reference number (e.g., the check number or vendor reference) preface your search with the words txn: return those results.

Here are some examples:

txn:1234       # transactions matching `1234`
txn:(check 4567)  # use parenthesis to capture any spaces in the reference number
FooBar txn:123 # transactions matching `123` where person/customer also matches `FooBar`

Expense code

Search for requests and invoices by expense code by using the ec: prefix in your search.

Here are some examples:

ec:1234       # expensec does matching `1234`
ec:(po 4567)  # use parenthesis to capture any spaces in the code
FooBar ec:123 # expense codes matching `123` where customer also matches `FooBar`

Internal note

Search for requests, schedules, services, invoices, and agreements by note comment by using the note: prefix in your search. Unlike an expense code or transaction search you cannot narrow down search results at this time.

Here are some examples:

note:foobar    # any note with the phrase "foobar"
note:(foo bar) # use parenthesis to capture a space in the note

Last updated